Cashew Nut Agriculture and the Biofield Treatment

Cashew Nut Agriculture and the Biofield Treatment

We usually believe in the existence and likelihood of the happening of a miracle and yet we always wish for our convictions to be validated by the seal of Science and Technology because in the world that subsists today, Science holds one significant part of the realism and occurrences of our day-to-day existence. Scientific research has been used since centuries to prove the way life started, the laws of physics and chemistry and biology, the patterns of birth and death, the growth of trees and plants, the sustenance of animals, materials, genes and microbes etc. In some way Science has ruled almost every fraction that is an element of this Universe. Perhaps that is why we tend to have a stronger faith in ideas and theories substantiated by the laws and rules of science. Mahendra Trivedi is probably the only spiritual master who combines the findings of science with the marvels of divinity to demonstrate to people the power of their inner energies with the statistics of science. The Trivedi Effect® is no less than a wonder and it has put millions of people in awe with its supremacy and outcomes. Mr. Trivedi brought about the concept of Biofield Energy Transmissions or the Biofield Treatment wherein the Energy Transmissions of the Trivedi Masters™ are used to impact the cultivation of crops, the scientific transformations in materials and the breeding of livestock.

As a part of his experimentation in the area of Biofield Treatment for agriculture, Mahendra Trivedi used his Energy Transmissions for a cashew nut project. In early 2002, a group of entrepreneurs bought a 106 acres of untilled land in Vaibhavwadi, Maharasthra, India. The attributes and location of this land make it quite inappropriate for carrying out professional Farming. After about two months of the purchase of this land, Mr. Trivedi visited it and exposed it to his Thought and Energy Transmissions. After this treatment, the owners of the land procured about 9000 saplings of the V4 and V7 varieties from the agricultural university, Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth (BSKKV), Dapoli, Maharashtra-India. These were then cultivated on the treated land. While, the control trees were spread over 10 acres of land in a neighboring farm and comprised of about 900 V4 and V7 trees.

Another disparity between the treated and control trees was that no chemicals, fertilizers or pesticides were used on the treated plots. Whereas, as per the regular practices installments of fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides were used for the control land specifically due to the high incidence of disease and the necessity of nutritional supplements in the region.


Once the crops started to grow, its development pattern, germination, seeding, the leaves and also the final produce was observed at each step and compared with the other untreated or control cashew trees of the same variety in the same region.

The overall observation brought out several significant differences in the treated and the control varieties.

  1. The trees in the treated plots looked lavishly green and the growth in them was healthy. While, the trees in the control plot had a far poorer growth, a higher incidence of diseases and a low chlorophyll content. The veins of the leaves in the treated farm were very thick indicating a strong flow of nutrients in these plants.
  2. In the trees of the treated area, the leaves depicted a luster, were greener and brighter and the yield of cashew nuts was more than three times higher than the normal. Moreover, the nuts from these trees were larger in size as compared to the produce of the control area trees.
  1. Tests were performed at the agricultural university to check the concentrations of chlorophyll ‘a’ and ‘b’ in both types of trees.
  • After scientific testing, the Chlorophyll A was found to be 60% higher and the Chlorophyll B content was found to be 100% higher when compared to the controlled farms.
  • Scientists also observed a change in ratio of Chlorophyll a:b which was 1:0.33 as is normal in control plants but had become 2:1 in all plants on treated plots.
  1. The nuts were further sent to Germany for tests of Bioluminescence. This is a parameter which is supposed to be related to the vitality of the living material.
  1. The treated and control leaves were also sent for DNA fingerprinting tests which confirmed that the treatment had caused changes at the DNA level of the plants.
  • The treated plants were at least 13-14 feet in height, like that of a 6-7 year old cashew tree of the same variety and in the same region.
  • Also, the trees had large and wide canopy, like that of a 6-7 year old cashew tree. The plants were disease free and highly vigorous
  1. The branches of the treated trees grew longer, thicker and stronger when compared to the branches of the control trees. Also, almost every branch flowered heavily in the treated region. Instead of the expected 6-8 nuts per branch on an average, there were 12-18 nuts.
  2. There weren’t any pests or diseases found in the trees of the treated plot even though no chemicals were used for disease resistance or plant growth. While for the trees of the control region, incidences of diseases were observed in leaves, nuts and branches even though pesticides and fertilizers were used.
  3. There was a loss of only 0.5% of the treated trees within the first 3.5 years observed. However, the mortality in the control farms was around 15-20% in the first year itself.
  4. Other than these inspections and analysis, the true result was obtained when the quality of the final produce i.e. the cashew nuts was checked. The fruit as well as the nuts had a unique sheen and were 60% bigger in size. The nuts showed 300% more vigor, strength and vitality than the other cashew nuts as tested in a Biophoton Emission Test done by the Neuss University, Germany. These nuts were very crispy and more delicious. They had a high density and also a greater shelf life compared to the other nuts.

The surveillance, scientific research and the results obtained shocked eminent agriculture scientists like Dr. B.B Jadhav and Dr. S.P Raut from the BSKKV University. It was a wonder to them because the trees in the treated farms looked so wholesome and also had no infections or diseases which had been never seen before.

To go through the various reports and tests conducted as a part of this experiment and also to have a look at the pictures from the cashew nut farms of both the control as well as the treated type, please click here:

This project is only one fragment of the immense scientific research carried out by various universities and labs in India, United States etc to demonstrate the influence of Mahendra Trivedi’s Energy Tranmissions. To discover more about the connection of the Biofield Treatment (The Trivedi Effect®) and Science, please visit the comprehensive website:

Trivedi Science – Learn to raise chickens for Meat

Trivedi Science – Learn to raise chickens for Meat

If you are an avid lover of chicken and want to keep them in best shape and health then it is better to start practicing Mahendra Trivedi Science. The poultry farmer who intends to raise the chicken for the sole of purpose of meat has to follow some simple steps. The farmers must also follow some additional procedures before butchering and slaughtering the chickens. The chickens that are used for meat purpose are totally different from the ones which are raised for eggs. Mahendra Trivedi methods are widely accepted when it comes to the question of how to raise chickens for meat. This is the reason why Trivedi’s methods are adopted and followed by a large section of chicken farmers.

According the Trivedi’s methods, the chicken fowls are raised in captivity which is present in large and open spaces. This helps in the proper growth and channelization of positive energy in the chicken body. Mahendra Trivedi Science also suggests that chicken which are meant for meat should not be injected with any type of steroids or growth regulating medicines since it creates and adverse effect on their bodies. Some chickens adapt to it while other die before even attaining proper growth.

The Trivedi Effect® is the best method for transmission of positive energy in living beings and has shown remarkable success rate in the past years. By using the simple techniques suggested in Trivedi science, once can easily increase the production and keep their chicken in a healthier state. The best part of Trivedi effect is that it does not require any type of medicine of expensive techniques to breed the chickens. The methods are very simple and anyone can easily learn them through Trivedi Master Wellnessprograms. The people who have adopted these methods have started noticing differences in the yields. The chickens rose though Trivedi science are healthier and provide more meat as compared to normal chicken. But most importantly they do not carry any type of alien pathogens which arise due to steroids injections. The Trivedi science for raising chicken has already been adopted by a large section of poultry farmers.   

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